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2017年《贵州省统计年鉴》第二十三部分社会服务:23-11 社会...

> 23-11 社会福利机构 Social Welfare Institutions and Enterprises单位:个(unit)项目Item20122013201420152016总计Total702014986210772289424611提供住宿的社会服务机构Social Welfare Institutions with Accommodation124012865199361015社会福利企业Social Welfare Enterprises5948413232优抚事业单位Administration Agencies for Martyrs6381806459救助类单位Collecting and Repatriation Units7172757881殡仪服务单位Funeral and Interment services Institutions128139148148126彩票发行单位Lottery Issuing Units1512131313社区服务单位Community Service Facilities544413348197732162323285注:1.资料来源于省民政厅。2.提供住宿的社会服务活动机构2011—2013年为收养性福利单位,2014年起调整为提供住宿的社会服务活动机构,包括:为老年人与残疾人提供收留抚养服务的机构、为智障与精神病人提供收留抚养服务的机构、为儿童提供收留抚养和救助服务的机构、其他提供住宿的服务机构。其中,农村养老机构2014、2015年变动较大,系因2014年民政部规范统计口径,将未办理法人登记的如农村敬老院等养老服务机构从提供住宿的社会服务机构调至社区服务机构和设施,2015年各地大力推进法人登记工作,对已办理法人登记或社会统一信用代码的农村敬老院等调整回提供住宿的社会服务机构中。3.社会福利企业、殡葬服务单位和优抚事业单位减少,系因民政部规范统计口径,对未办理社会统一信用代码证的机构一概不予统计,对一个机构多块牌子的机构只统计主牌;对殡仪服务单位中殡仪馆与公墓由一个单位承包的,只填报殡仪馆,不填报公墓。Note:1.The data in the table are provided by the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs. 2.In 2011-2013,institutions where provide social services agencyaccommodation were regarded as adapting welfare unit, while those institution were adjusted to provide social service activities,includinginstitution where provideaccomoodations for elderly , disabilities,mental patients or children withservices, and institutionsprovide other servicesAmong them, the rural pension institutions in 2015 2014, changes in the larger, because in 2014 the Ministry of Civil Affairs normative statistical caliber, will not go through the registration procedures such as rural homes for the elderly pension services social service agencies to provide accommodation to community services and facilities, around 2015 and vigorously promote the registration work, social service agencies to adjust corporate registration or the social unified credit code for rural homes for the elderly to provide accommodation.3. social welfare enterprises,funeral service units and special care institutions reduce, because the specification of Ministry of Civil Affairs statistics, fails to handle the uniform social credit card code mechanism will not be to statistics, a mechanism of multi brands agency statistics only on key; funeral funeral service units in the museum and the cemetery by a Contracting unit only, fill in the funeral home, do not fill in the cemetery. 23-11 社会福利机构.xls