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2017年《贵州省统计年鉴》第二十三部分社会服务:23-17 殡葬...

> 23-17 殡葬服务情况 Funeral and Interment Services指标Item20122013201420152016殡葬类单位数(个)Number of Funeral and Interment Enterprises(unit)128139148148126从业人员(人)Employed Persons(Porson)29853192348336603564火化炉数(台)Number of Cremators(unit)101117124136169火化数(万具)Cremated Remains(10000 units)6.446.827.218.119.22#安葬数(万具)Number of the Buried(10000 units)1.281.671.852.372.89火化率(%)Cremation Rate(%)26.4127.8229.9439.8041.00注:1、安葬数为当年安葬数。2、2016年民政部规范统计口径,对未办理社会统一信用代码证的机构不再台账中体现;对殡仪馆与公墓由一个单位承包的,只填报殡仪馆,不填报公墓。Note: 1.Number of the buried refers to the number in current year. 2.In 2016, the Ministry of Civil Affairs standardized statistics, and did not apply for a unified social credit code certificate institutions are no longer reflected in the ledger; for the funeral home and the cemetery by a unit contracting, only reporting funeral home, do not fill the cemetery 23-17 殡葬服务情况.xls